5. mai
MINT Afterwork
Welcome to MINT After Work at Park22 Mo i Rana International (MINT) is an arena for the local ranværing, the Norwegian newcomers and the international newcomers to connect, make friends and learn from each other. MINT events are open to the public and the guests should speak English to accommodate the newcomers who haven’t learned…
Welcome to MINT After Work at Park22 

Mo i Rana International (MINT) is an arena for the local ranværing, the Norwegian newcomers and the international newcomers to connect, make friends and learn from each other.
MINT events are open to the public and the guests should speak English to accommodate the newcomers who haven’t learned to speak Norwegian yet.
When you see the MINT-logo you will know it is a welcoming space filled with people who want to make connections and become friends.
The MINT umbrella hosts a myriad of events and activities. From skiing lessons to Eurovision parties.
We hope some of our events seem fun and interesting to you.