Laster Arrangementer
fredag 3. juni 2022

21:00 - 3:00

Park 22 Bysecena is happy to invite you to our MINT Night event  Join us on Friday 3rd with DJ Michael for a groovy disco, funk and soul from the 80’s night! He brings moods from the upbringing of the underground environment within electronic dance music in Norway, Denmark and beach parties in the Philippines….

Park 22 Bysecena is happy to invite you to our MINT Night event 🤩
Join us on Friday 3rd with DJ Michael for a groovy disco, funk and soul from the 80’s night!
He brings moods from the upbringing of the underground environment within electronic dance music in Norway, Denmark and beach parties in the Philippines.
Lastly, he brought a crackling atmosphere and a high level to Byscena, and promises the same thing this weekend too!
Mo i Rana International (MINT) is an arena for expats and Norwegians to connect and build new network.
Many of our MINT’s attendees speak English, we thank you all for the warm welcoming and for your contribution to speak in English during this event 😊🌍
When you see the MINT-logo you will know it is a welcoming space filled with people who want to make connections and become friends.
Practical info:
Doors open at: 09:00 PM
Free entrance
18 years age limit due to alcohol
Bar will be closed at: 03:00 AM

25 jan
Byscena Bar & Event // Park 22 Ettermiddagssprudler med Peter

Ettermiddagssprudler med Peter

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01 feb
Byscena Bar & Event // Park 22 Kick off Samisk uke m/Isalill, Ànte Siri og DJ iDJa


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31 mai
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13 jun
Byscena Bar & Event // Park 22 Tuff Enuff Bluesfestival 2025

Tuff Enuff Bluesklubb arrangerer sin tredje Bluesfestival

Tuff Enuff Bluesfestival 2025

15 feb
Byscena Bar & Event // Park 22 Escape

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03 mai
Byscena Bar & Event // Park 22 Prospect // Support: Ripoff


"The Rock must go on"

14 mar
Byscena Bar & Event // Park 22 Fasiten med Breivik og Jensen

Det e bære skøy alt sammen!

LÅSTE DU BILN?! Fasiten har show igjen! Vi kjører Live radiopodcast en fredagskveld på Byscena! Det blir uten gitar, sigaretter og skytevåpen (?) Det blir god prat fra gutta, god musikk og ja la oss ikke nekte, en del god drikke. Vi håper akkurat DU vil være med oss på denne kvelden. Og husk: Det…

28 mar
Byscena Bar & Event // Park 22 Anders Jektvik

Anders Jektvik slipper ny musikk i mørketiden

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